How I Can Help You

I am a catalyst. I assist you to reach your goals, fulfill those desires, by helping you to:

1. Know what you want.

2. Visualize what you want, not what you don't want.

3. Then, together you and I do energy work to help remove stuck emotions and to help change dis-empowering beliefs.
These sessions are $65, in person or over the phone. Sessions last one hour.

Or come to the little Teahouse in Bellingham for a six-day retreat or a week-end retreat.

Come to Shorehaven Academy and experience your personal retreat in the Teahouse. Let Katie help you to reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue.

Enjoy your retreat at the little Shorehaven Academy Teahouse in Bellingham. To begin, you are offered snacks and nourishing drinks, followed by your first session.

During the retreat, you won’t be hungry! The food is nutritious, healthy and plentiful, and your sleep in the Teahouse will be comfy and cozy. Your retreat lasts from a Sunday to the following Saturday. (Or see below for a weekend retreat.)

You will receive hands-on and in-depth insights, ideas and experiences to boost you from where you are to where you want to be. These will include (but are not limited to)

1. implementing new habits that help you reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue,

2. changing detrimental beliefs that might have kept you stuck,

3. understanding and implementing eating habits that work for you and not against you,

4. understanding how to keep environmental toxic radiation out of your body,

5. learning how to love your body—the God-given temple which encases you.

This is a personal, one-on-one retreat, designed around your own specific desires & goals.

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham, Washington

Time: Six days from Sunday afternoon through Saturday noon

Cost: $1,200

If you want a shorter, less expensive retreat: Weekend Retreat
Also designed around your own specific desires and goals.

Time: Two days from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham

Cost: $400

Testimonial: Katie, there is no way I can thank you for the paradigm shift I made since our six-day retreat. I am more purpose-driven and less anxiety-driven. To my surprise, I’m also more energized and I accomplish more. As a bonus, I’m not so addicted to eating – and I’ve lost 5 pounds! Linda Lee

Testimonial: I just experienced a weekend retreat with Katie that was a total emersion into all things personally healing and balancing and I feel renewed. I came in as ‘a little old lady’ and left – as two people described me – ‘that cute activist’. I feel a lightness of being and inspired and ready for action. Lynnette Allen

Books Published:

Depression Dissolvers eBook; practical tips to lift your mood. $2.99.

Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible.
Anti-aging tips that increase your well-being. See description or buy at Or click on link to the right.

Book in Progress:
Cameo, Historical Legend; The lives of Cameo through her history on this planet and before

All online donations and payments go into "Buying Shorehaven Academy" savings account. Thank you for helping to manifest this Academy Center to be located in nature in NW Washington!

Feb 5, 2020

Camercise for better posture and healthier spine

Cam Cameron helped me - and can help you - have a healthier spine which means less pain.  I call his unique exercises 'Camercises'.  In one class at Bellingham Fitness Center he said:
“Put your body into a good posture position:  Shoulders back, rib cage up, tummy tucked in, jaws unclenched.”  (What is your posture right now?)
He continued.  “Our habits keep our hands in front of us—on the computer, cell phone, fork or steering wheel.  From this habit, our shoulders start to hunch forward as does our neck and head.  The result is a skeleton out of alignment.  This misalignment can cause a myriad of physical problems from plantar fasciitis to fatigue to incontinence to dowager's hunch, to frozen shoulder and much more.”

I saw a perfect example of this as I drove home from that class.  A group of teenagers walked together on the sidewalk, probably on a field trip.  Almost all of them were walking with shoulders hunched forward and head down.  Are we headed toward a world with everyone over 30 years old, hunch backed and walking painfully with a cane?
Be one person who fights this trend.  Put your shoulders back, rib cage up, tuck in your tummy and unclench your jaws.  And check out Cam's website Revive-a-Back by going to or emailing Cam at

Feb 3, 2020

How Do You Start Your Day?

Do you have an ideal wake-up time?  Is that when you usually wake up?  If so, congratulations!  If not, maybe this is the time to commit to that perfect time for you.  For me, it's 5:30am.  When I wake up then, my day goes so well, and by night, I feel that I have accomplished a lot.  If I sleep in, so much less gets accomplished.
There are times when I am just too tired, and sleeping in is good.  If that's you, don't beat yourself up for getting those extra hours of zzzz's.  Let yourself feel good that you gave your body the time it needed to regenerate.  Then make a commitment to go to bed at your perfect time and wake up in the morning at your perfect wake-up time.
Have a beautiful sleep tonight.

Feb 2, 2020

Free Session, in person or on phone

Do you sometimes forget a word that you know you know?  Do you have a bit of brain fog or memory issues?  Do you worry that some day you might be diagnosed as having early stage dementia?

Claim your free session now!

In this free session (on phone or in person) you and I will get an overall view of your issues and come up with at least one solution that will start you on your way to a clear mind, healthy brain and healthy body.
Important solutions include nutrition, movement and exercise, eliminating toxins from your body and air and incorporating healing beliefs and habits.
These solutions bring results in your brain and also throughout your whole body, so you can expect more clarity, energy, vitality and health.

Text me at 360.715.8000 for your free session or to ask questions.

Katie Lawson. 
360.715.8000 text.

Author of “Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible”
Certified International Professional Coach, specializing in memory issues
One hour session:  $65