How I Can Help You

I am a catalyst. I assist you to reach your goals, fulfill those desires, by helping you to:

1. Know what you want.

2. Visualize what you want, not what you don't want.

3. Then, together you and I do energy work to help remove stuck emotions and to help change dis-empowering beliefs.
These sessions are $65, in person or over the phone. Sessions last one hour.

Or come to the little Teahouse in Bellingham for a six-day retreat or a week-end retreat.

Come to Shorehaven Academy and experience your personal retreat in the Teahouse. Let Katie help you to reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue.

Enjoy your retreat at the little Shorehaven Academy Teahouse in Bellingham. To begin, you are offered snacks and nourishing drinks, followed by your first session.

During the retreat, you won’t be hungry! The food is nutritious, healthy and plentiful, and your sleep in the Teahouse will be comfy and cozy. Your retreat lasts from a Sunday to the following Saturday. (Or see below for a weekend retreat.)

You will receive hands-on and in-depth insights, ideas and experiences to boost you from where you are to where you want to be. These will include (but are not limited to)

1. implementing new habits that help you reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue,

2. changing detrimental beliefs that might have kept you stuck,

3. understanding and implementing eating habits that work for you and not against you,

4. understanding how to keep environmental toxic radiation out of your body,

5. learning how to love your body—the God-given temple which encases you.

This is a personal, one-on-one retreat, designed around your own specific desires & goals.

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham, Washington

Time: Six days from Sunday afternoon through Saturday noon

Cost: $1,200

If you want a shorter, less expensive retreat: Weekend Retreat
Also designed around your own specific desires and goals.

Time: Two days from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham

Cost: $400

Testimonial: Katie, there is no way I can thank you for the paradigm shift I made since our six-day retreat. I am more purpose-driven and less anxiety-driven. To my surprise, I’m also more energized and I accomplish more. As a bonus, I’m not so addicted to eating – and I’ve lost 5 pounds! Linda Lee

Testimonial: I just experienced a weekend retreat with Katie that was a total emersion into all things personally healing and balancing and I feel renewed. I came in as ‘a little old lady’ and left – as two people described me – ‘that cute activist’. I feel a lightness of being and inspired and ready for action. Lynnette Allen

Books Published:

Depression Dissolvers eBook; practical tips to lift your mood. $2.99.

Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible.
Anti-aging tips that increase your well-being. See description or buy at Or click on link to the right.

Book in Progress:
Cameo, Historical Legend; The lives of Cameo through her history on this planet and before

All online donations and payments go into "Buying Shorehaven Academy" savings account. Thank you for helping to manifest this Academy Center to be located in nature in NW Washington!

Jul 25, 2012

Depression Quiz

Do you have depression?  Here is a quiz.  Answer Yes, No or Sometimes to each question below.

________  Feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
________  Feeling bad about yourself, or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?
________  Thoughts that you would be better off dead, or of hurting yourself in some way?
________  Little interest or pleasure from doing things?
________  Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed?  Or the opposite – being so fidgety or restless that you are moving around more than usual?
________  Trouble concentrating on things, such as watching TV or reading the newspaper?
________  Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or sleeping too much?
________  Feeling tired or having little energy?
________  Poor appetite or over-eating?

If you have answered Yes or Sometimes to any of the first 4 questions (the ones in bold-face), consider going to your health practitioner for help.

If you have answered Yes or Sometimes to any of the questions, the ebook, 48 Depression Dissolvers has ideas and inspirations for you.
Click to buy: for $2.99.

The Depression Quiz is paraphrased from the Mayo Clinic.  You can go to this website for Mayo Clinic’s online Depression Self-Assessment and to get your own scores.

Jul 20, 2012

Posted on July 20, 2012 in Divine Mother Daily Quotes
“You are healing the grasping fear that has dominated life on Earth up until now, the grasping and holding on for survival. The small self feels it must survive by holding on and not trusting. So it holds tighter and tighter and tighter, creating more and more pain. We are breaking the pain of fear, the pain of tightly grasping and holding on for dear life.”

Jul 3, 2012

Do you want to work on manifesting your Divine Desires?
I can work with you over the phone and through emails.
Together we can discover what you want.  Then we can use visualization and energy processes to supplement the 'regular' ways of moving toward your goals.
Cost is $65 per session (lasts one hour.)
You can contact me at any time.

Jun 13, 2012

Big day today.  I published my first ebook 48 Depression Dissolvers.
It's amazing how different it looks on Kindle than it looks on the word format in which I wrote it.  All the time I spent finding beautiful colorful pictures are now on Kindle in all black and white.  Oh well.
Within about 24 hours it should be available for sale on for $2.99.

May 31, 2012

48 Depression Dissolvers is almost complete.  Pretty exciting to be finishing my first ebook.  Final editing should happen next week.  Then I get to figure out how to get it out to the world.

Apr 28, 2012

My eBook titled 48 Depression Dissolvers is being edited as I write this post.  I believe I will put it on for $2.99.  I look forward to others reading the eBook and finding tips to bring them from down to up, from sadness to happiness, from pessimism to optimism.   

I'm on week seven of taking the new superfood in a capsule, the Avian Egg Extract that is called Laminine.  My energy is up.  My memory is better.  I'm very happy.  All customers can have a free website telling about Laminine. 

Apr 12, 2012

What Are Your Goals? Your Divine Desires?

Divine Desires Now

What are your true, divine desires?  The desires or goals that, when you think of one of them, your whole body lights up.
The desires that are truly good for all, good for everybody and the earth?

What are your divine desires in these categories:
Financial, Spiritual, Relationships, Health and Body, Profession?
Any or all?
I assist you to reach those goals, fulfill those desires.
I do this by working with you in:

1.  Removing stuck emotions or changing dis-empowering beliefs
     that are keeping you from having what you want.

2.  Visualizing what you want, (not what you don't want).

3.  Seeing the next steps for you to take.

4.  Making a plan to get to that most important achievement of fulfilling
     your own divine desires. 

Katie Lawson

Certified as:  Life Coach, Reiki Master III, Medical Intuitive
Ordained as:  Minister (Ordained by Beloved Community of Oregon)


    E Book Published:
48 Depression Dissolvers
practical tips to lift your mood, plus several bonus tips

Books in Progress:
366 Wellness Tips
      366 tips to increase your well-being

Cameo, Historical Legend
The lives of Cameo through her history on this planet and before
      (expected completion date 12.31.2013)

Workshops Available:
"Let the Miracles Begin!"
      Presented in Bellingham, WA in Feb, Mar, and Apr, 2014
     Presented in Bellingham, WA in Jan, 2015

Katie graduated cum laude from WWU in Bellingham, WA with degrees in Education and Special Education.
She taught 6th grade in the Washington State public school system for three years in the town of Everson.
After that she wrote a grant that was accepted by the federal government and helped 40 preschoolers with learning challenges by teaching their parents how to teach the children.
She was diagnosed by 2 medical doctors and one Naturopath with Class IV cervical cancer in the 1980’s.  Instead of following the medical doctor’s advice and getting a hysterectomy, she used alternative methods and four months later had no cancer.  (The Naturopath saw that as sensible.  The medical doctor, - who said she needed a hysterectomy - told her that she probably didn’t really have cancer and that the diagnosis by himself, the other MD and the Naturopath must have been wrong.)
She created and ran Homequest, Inc., for over 2 decades with her son, Dale.  They bought houses, turned them into homes, thus improving the neighborhood.  Then sold the homes, often on a lease-with-option to buyers who needed a bit more time to gather their down payment together.
She also studied and became certified as a Reiki Master III, as a Medical Intuitive, and as an International Life Coach.
Katie studied and became ordained as a Minister (Master of Divinity) through the Beloved Community of Oregon.
She is currently writing the novel "Cameo, Historical Legend" and a self-help book currently titled "366 Wellness Tips".

When Katie's not writing, coaching or studying, she's riding with her husband, Larry, on his Gold Wing motorcycle, or playing in the woods with her grandsons, Branden and Nathen.