What are people doing in late 2022 to prevent or stop the symptoms of a respiratory issue?
The DRUG so many are talking about is Ivermectin. I don't do drugs, usually. But I do have a bottle of Ivermectin, and whenever it appears I'm exposed to Covid, a flu or any respiratory issue, I take one Ivermectin pill one day, and two days later I take an Ivermectin pill. I haven't come down with anything at all. Does the drug help? Or is it a placebo because I believe in it? I will probably never know, but I'll continue with that protocol.
There are other drugs that people swear by, that I haven't tried.
I also take - almost daily - a multivitamin called Nutreince from the Calton website. It comes in powder form which I whisk in a small glass of water.
In addition, I like to take: Zinc, Quercetin, Glutathione, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin E. Every body is different; use your intuition to determine what's right for you.
And as always, check first with your health practitioner.