How I Can Help You

I am a catalyst. I assist you to reach your goals, fulfill those desires, by helping you to:

1. Know what you want.

2. Visualize what you want, not what you don't want.

3. Then, together you and I do energy work to help remove stuck emotions and to help change dis-empowering beliefs.
These sessions are $65, in person or over the phone. Sessions last one hour.

Or come to the little Teahouse in Bellingham for a six-day retreat or a week-end retreat.

Come to Shorehaven Academy and experience your personal retreat in the Teahouse. Let Katie help you to reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue.

Enjoy your retreat at the little Shorehaven Academy Teahouse in Bellingham. To begin, you are offered snacks and nourishing drinks, followed by your first session.

During the retreat, you won’t be hungry! The food is nutritious, healthy and plentiful, and your sleep in the Teahouse will be comfy and cozy. Your retreat lasts from a Sunday to the following Saturday. (Or see below for a weekend retreat.)

You will receive hands-on and in-depth insights, ideas and experiences to boost you from where you are to where you want to be. These will include (but are not limited to)

1. implementing new habits that help you reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue,

2. changing detrimental beliefs that might have kept you stuck,

3. understanding and implementing eating habits that work for you and not against you,

4. understanding how to keep environmental toxic radiation out of your body,

5. learning how to love your body—the God-given temple which encases you.

This is a personal, one-on-one retreat, designed around your own specific desires & goals.

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham, Washington

Time: Six days from Sunday afternoon through Saturday noon

Cost: $1,200

If you want a shorter, less expensive retreat: Weekend Retreat
Also designed around your own specific desires and goals.

Time: Two days from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham

Cost: $400

Testimonial: Katie, there is no way I can thank you for the paradigm shift I made since our six-day retreat. I am more purpose-driven and less anxiety-driven. To my surprise, I’m also more energized and I accomplish more. As a bonus, I’m not so addicted to eating – and I’ve lost 5 pounds! Linda Lee

Testimonial: I just experienced a weekend retreat with Katie that was a total emersion into all things personally healing and balancing and I feel renewed. I came in as ‘a little old lady’ and left – as two people described me – ‘that cute activist’. I feel a lightness of being and inspired and ready for action. Lynnette Allen

Books Published:

Depression Dissolvers eBook; practical tips to lift your mood. $2.99.

Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible.
Anti-aging tips that increase your well-being. See description or buy at Or click on link to the right.

Book in Progress:
Cameo, Historical Legend; The lives of Cameo through her history on this planet and before

All online donations and payments go into "Buying Shorehaven Academy" savings account. Thank you for helping to manifest this Academy Center to be located in nature in NW Washington!

Oct 10, 2015

Erika's Story

"I was riding a crowded bus home, slouching after a long day of work - and out of nowhere one of my front ribs sprung out of place."  

When I began taking exercise classes from Cam (Cam Cameron), I met Erica, who I saw as the poster child of Cam's teachings.  She stood tall and straight and her posture inspired me every time I saw her in class.

I told her she was an inspiration to me, and she replied "Cam has helped me so much.  I used to be a basket case."

Here is Erica's story, that she wrote to me in an email:

 I did not know I had skeletal problems until inexplicably one night in December 2007.  I was riding a crowded bus home, slouching after a long day of work - and out of nowhere one of my front ribs sprung out of place.  I didn't know what the sharp pain was - and began having a panic attack.

The next day I arrived at a very well-known chiropractor in Vancouver, BC.  My ribs were all out of place, making it hard to breathe.

I spent the next four years going to him twice or three times a week at $140 a visit.  I would have some relief - but if I made any sudden movements or played my clarinet at all - I would slip right back into the pain and nerve cycle.  I realized that I could not practice unless it was absolutely necessary.

I was constantly experiencing panic attacks, canker sores, and other manifestations of the constant pain and stress I was in.

We moved to Bellingham in December of 2011.  By the next July, I had played my most important gig to date.  Just after that performance, my ribs, neck, and pecs had become so stressed that if I even gestured to the position of holding a clarinet, my nerve paths would go crazy and I wouldn't be able to handle the pain. 
Then my husband noticed Cam at Bellingham Fitness.  The amazing part was that he noticed Cam training with someone, and recognized him.  It turns out that Cam had helped my husband and his father, when my husband was 13 years old in Canada.  Once he realized that this was the same Cam, he was sure I could be helped to reduce some of my pain.

In my first session with Cam, he assured me that I had no permanent damage to my skeleton and muscles, and just needed lots of new strength, breaking of bad habits, and relearning skills.  Within 3 months I began to see and feel enormous changes to my emotions, my stress, and my pain.  As I began to see the changes, my improvement increased exponentially.

I began bringing my instrument to my sessions, and would play and he would make adjustments both to my physical stance and to my mental approach to playing the instrument, and emotionally connecting with the music.  In the first year I was able to get back to practicing and playing concerts with much more ease.

It’s been nearly 3 years since I began seeing Cam, and my life is completely different.  I still need check-ups and my body still requires constant skill training - but I wouldn't have it any other way.

My clarinet playing has improved by 40% since seeing him, my ability to participate and the amount of concerts I have accepted is three times more than before.  I now feel strong.  I feel like I can reengage in all the activities I used to love to do.

Fencing is my latest sport.  It’s very strenuous, and I have not had any problem with my ribs or body while enjoying this pastime.  In addition, I attend Cam’s gym classes twice a week, as well as doing short sessions of exercise at home every day, and being a mom of two young children.  Cam has shown me that fitness and the ability to live with my body is not a static experience.  It is constantly changing, and being challenged.  I now know how to listen to my body, to pay attention to it, and to refrain from pushing it beyond its limits.

I am so grateful for Cam, as I don't think I would be playing if it weren't for him, and I certainly wouldn't be enjoying life as much as I am now!

Thanks, Erica, for your story.
I (Katie) have been taking Cam's classes now at least once a week for several months, and slowly finding myself sitting and standing straighter, and having more energy.
He has a website, a book and a DVD.  Contact him through
Or watch him on youtube: