How I Can Help You

I am a catalyst. I assist you to reach your goals, fulfill those desires, by helping you to:

1. Know what you want.

2. Visualize what you want, not what you don't want.

3. Then, together you and I do energy work to help remove stuck emotions and to help change dis-empowering beliefs.
These sessions are $65, in person or over the phone. Sessions last one hour.

Or come to the little Teahouse in Bellingham for a six-day retreat or a week-end retreat.

Come to Shorehaven Academy and experience your personal retreat in the Teahouse. Let Katie help you to reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue.

Enjoy your retreat at the little Shorehaven Academy Teahouse in Bellingham. To begin, you are offered snacks and nourishing drinks, followed by your first session.

During the retreat, you won’t be hungry! The food is nutritious, healthy and plentiful, and your sleep in the Teahouse will be comfy and cozy. Your retreat lasts from a Sunday to the following Saturday. (Or see below for a weekend retreat.)

You will receive hands-on and in-depth insights, ideas and experiences to boost you from where you are to where you want to be. These will include (but are not limited to)

1. implementing new habits that help you reach your goal or help you overcome a health issue,

2. changing detrimental beliefs that might have kept you stuck,

3. understanding and implementing eating habits that work for you and not against you,

4. understanding how to keep environmental toxic radiation out of your body,

5. learning how to love your body—the God-given temple which encases you.

This is a personal, one-on-one retreat, designed around your own specific desires & goals.

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham, Washington

Time: Six days from Sunday afternoon through Saturday noon

Cost: $1,200

If you want a shorter, less expensive retreat: Weekend Retreat
Also designed around your own specific desires and goals.

Time: Two days from Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon

Place: The little Teahouse on East Sunset Drive in Bellingham

Cost: $400

Testimonial: Katie, there is no way I can thank you for the paradigm shift I made since our six-day retreat. I am more purpose-driven and less anxiety-driven. To my surprise, I’m also more energized and I accomplish more. As a bonus, I’m not so addicted to eating – and I’ve lost 5 pounds! Linda Lee

Testimonial: I just experienced a weekend retreat with Katie that was a total emersion into all things personally healing and balancing and I feel renewed. I came in as ‘a little old lady’ and left – as two people described me – ‘that cute activist’. I feel a lightness of being and inspired and ready for action. Lynnette Allen

Books Published:

Depression Dissolvers eBook; practical tips to lift your mood. $2.99.

Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible.
Anti-aging tips that increase your well-being. See description or buy at Or click on link to the right.

Book in Progress:
Cameo, Historical Legend; The lives of Cameo through her history on this planet and before

All online donations and payments go into "Buying Shorehaven Academy" savings account. Thank you for helping to manifest this Academy Center to be located in nature in NW Washington!

Jul 6, 2020

WHAT TO BUY ORGANIC? Here's the 2020 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 fruits and veggies.

Buy organic any from the dirty dozen.

1. Strawberries

2. Spinach

3. Kale

4. Nectarines

5. Apples

6. Grapes

7. Peaches

8. Cherries

9. Pears

10.    Tomatoes

11.    Celery

12.    Potatoes




buy organic or conventional from the clean 15

1. Avocados

2. Sweet corn  (Only buy organic corn products, because such a high percentage are considered to be Genetically Modified – GMO’s)

3. Pineapple

4. Onions

5. Papaya

6. Sweet peas (frozen)

7. Eggplants

8. Asparagus

9. Cauliflower

10.    Cantaloupes

11.    Broccoli

12.    Mushrooms

13.    Cabbage

14.    Honeydew melon

15.    Kiwi

Jun 24, 2020

Are Toxins Messing You Up?

Toxins are involved in almost all dis-eases.  Viruses and/or bacteria are often the bottom-line cause of the dis-ease, and toxins are often the trigger.
Most of us still have a virus dormant in our body, from some childhood episode of chicken pox, measles, mononucleosis, mumps, or a bad episode of a flu virus.
As a virus lays dormant in our liver or other area of our body, it eats.  And it's favorite food is toxins such as heavy metals, adrenaline produced from stress, other hormones or other toxins.  As it eats the toxin, it poops it out in the body, thus adding more toxins to our body.
How do we get the virus and toxins out of our body?

Toxins:  Drink the Mercury Detox Smoothie.

1 T Atlantic dulse flakes
1 tsp barley leaf juice extract powder
1 T cilantro flakes
1 tsp spirulina
1 cup blueberries (wild or organic domestic)1 tsp stevia 
1 cup coconut water (optional)
2 cups unsweetened almond milk (or just add water as needed to get the consistency you want)

You can find Mercury Detox Smoothie in my book Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible or in Anthony William's book Medical Medium.
Next blog will have how to get viruses and bacteria out of your body.

May 8, 2020

Confused About Airplane Mode on Your Smartphone?

Putting your cell phone on 'airplane mode' is a great way to lessen the toxic radiation that emits from the device.
Airplane mode stops the radiation, thus giving your immune system a better chance to keep you healthy.
On airplane mode (with most cellphones) you can still read your text messages and emails.  However, you cannot send texts or emails.  To solve that problem, while on airplane mode,
   write your emails
   write your texts
and then switch the phone off airplane mode for the few minutes it takes for you to send the messages.  When they've been sent, put your phone back on 'airplane mode' and go about your business.
One exception to keep in mind:  If your WiFi or Bluetooth are ON, you will still receive the toxic radiation.  Check those two icons or find them on 'settings'.  Make sure neither WiFi or Bluetooth are turned on.
With most phones, when put on 'airplane mode', the WiFi and Bluetooth are turned off, but double-check yours to make sure.
Although airplane mode is great, totally turning off your cellphone allows NO radiation to emit, and keeps you from wanting to continually check for updates.  Effects from EMF on Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness
  Learn more about the connection between your immune system and EMF toxins at

Apr 26, 2020

Have joint inflammation? Try turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant which fights free radicals that might trigger inflammation in your joints.  One study found that the active ingredient in turmeric—curcumin—protects cells with even greater efficiency than vitamin E, beta carotene or alpha lipoic acid.  It also helps to promote healthy skin, as you can see in the video at:  In this video Tina Jones mixes a few shakes of turmeric powder with a few drops of milk, applies it to her face like you would apply a deep cleaning lotion, lets it dry and then rinses it off.
It is also said to help prevent cataracts and support your overall eye health.  Green Med Info has lots of good information.  At their site, search 'turmeric, cataracts'.

Buy turmeric powder and add it—along with a dash of black pepper—to soups, salads, smoothies, scrambled eggs.  The pepper is supposed to help the turmeric get to where it is needed in your body.  Buy turmeric in capsules if you prefer a supplement.  Dr. Mercola suggests you consider including turmeric when targeting cancer prevention.  (

Mar 15, 2020

Enjoy a week or weekend in the Teahouse in Bellingham, WA

Do you wish you had a place where you could go and  be free from all EMF toxic radiation?  Do what you want, when you want, with no schedule but your own?
Comfy bed, privacy, hot plate & teapot, shared bathroom.  Five blocks to Cornwall Park, 10 minute drive to Bellingham International Airport, two minute drive to the I5 freeway corridor, 200 feet to city bus stop, two blocks to hospital. 
$100 per weekend for 1 person.  ($175 for 2 people.)
$250 per week for one person.  ($450 for 2 people.)

Or if you want to stay in the Teahouse and have your own personal Retreat that includes daily Coaching Sessions (two sessions per day):
I am a Certified International Coach and author of "Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible".  I help clients who want to eliminate fatigue and increase their vitality, but who don't know how to do it.  I provide the 'how' and also the motivation.
$400 per weekend for 1 person.  ($700 per weekend for 2 people.)
$1,200 per week for 1 person.  ($1,900 per week for 2 people.)

Testimonial:  I had an excruciatingly painful episode of Shingles, and called Katie for a session.  She did two distant bio-feedback sessions with me.  A few hours after the second session, the pain was gone and I was full of energy.  So I worked in my garden digging holes and climbing and pruning my kumquat tree.  The following day, a bit of pain came back, but never again as bad as it was before the sessions.  Carol M.

Feb 20, 2020


Procrastination. Sheesh. I have been wallowing in procrastination. I finally did my process of 'Brain Sync with Affirmation' and added WHY I no longer want to procrastinate. It's working. I set my alarm for 5:55am, got up full of energy and planned 4 days to work, one day for errands and two days to relax. Let's see if this continues to work.
  Here's how to do 'Brain Sync with Affirmation' from my book 'Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible':

Cross ankles and wrists, and silently repeat your affirmation.
After repeating your affirmation about a dozen times or so, your mind will start wandering, or you’ll unconsciously heave a big sigh.  Either one of these is an indication that your process is complete.  This usually happens within one to ten minutes.
Now uncross your ankles and wrists, put your fingertips together and repeat your affirmation 3 times.  This helps to anchor the belief within you.
You are complete, and you’ll most likely find ideas pop into your head that support your new belief.  These might include ideas that show you a next action step that will get you closer to manifesting your new rejuvenated self.  When that happens, write it down!
Anytime you begin to question a new belief, repeat this ‘Brain Sync with Affirmation’ process.

Why does ‘Brain Sync with Affirmation’ work?
Because, when you cross your wrists and ankles, the left and right hemispheres of your brain are working in concert with each other.  You are using the left brainthe logical sideAND the right brainthe intuitive, creative side.
When you are speaking an affirmation while both hemispheres are working together, you’re improving the success of the affirmation.  In other words, whatever you are affirming while your brain hemispheres are synchronized can be manifested more easily.
Some people say this works.  Others call it ‘pseudoscience’.  To me it’s simply common sense.  When I have practiced sitting with wrists and ankles crossed, repeating a positive affirmation, I find that affirmation often turns into fact.
If you use the ‘Brain Sync with Affirmation’, I would love to hear your experience.  Just send me an email with ‘Story’ in the subject
There are other modalities, similar to ‘Brain Sync with Affirmation’ that can help you change your beliefs.
One is Psych-K.  Go to and click on ‘workshops’.
Another is Brain Gym.  Go to
Once you believe you can rejuvenate your body, you will experience more success with the tips and ideas in 'Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti=Aging IS Possible' Part II, Energy Actions to Help You Rejuvenate.

Feb 14, 2020

Tell Yourself You Love You

On this Valentine's Day, besides loving those around you, remember to love yourself.
Look in the mirror and say “I love you no matter what.”
Does that feel good?  If so, that’s great!
Doesn’t feel good?  Thoughts come to your mind, such as Yeh, but I don’t like my nose or Yeh, but you’re too fat or Yeh, but ------?  If so, keep doing this on a daily basis.  Keep telling yourself you love you.  Watch the ‘Yeh, but’ thoughts diminish as you start seeing yourself as you truly are—a delightful spiritual being having a human experience.

Feb 12, 2020

Are you sending hate thoughts to a politician?

Controversial, I know. But please don't hate me for what I'm going to say here.
I'm concerned at all the hate, resentment and anger that so many people are sending out (spewing out?) to those in the government with whom they disagree. What happens energetically is that the anger, etc. hits its target, comes back like a boomerang and causes more discord in the person sending it out. That can manifest as more anger or even as dis-ease in the body of the person sending out the anger. A better way to get what you want is to a) forgive the person with whom you are angry and b) see your world the way you want it. Instead of hating what is, picture what you want. Picture your perfect world, our nation's perfect world or our planet's perfect world. You get what you focus on. Focus on anger and you get more to be angry about. Focus on a perfect government and you help to bring about that perfect government. Anger, hate and resentment will never manifest perfection, only more of the same that is sent out.

Feb 5, 2020

Camercise for better posture and healthier spine

Cam Cameron helped me - and can help you - have a healthier spine which means less pain.  I call his unique exercises 'Camercises'.  In one class at Bellingham Fitness Center he said:
“Put your body into a good posture position:  Shoulders back, rib cage up, tummy tucked in, jaws unclenched.”  (What is your posture right now?)
He continued.  “Our habits keep our hands in front of us—on the computer, cell phone, fork or steering wheel.  From this habit, our shoulders start to hunch forward as does our neck and head.  The result is a skeleton out of alignment.  This misalignment can cause a myriad of physical problems from plantar fasciitis to fatigue to incontinence to dowager's hunch, to frozen shoulder and much more.”

I saw a perfect example of this as I drove home from that class.  A group of teenagers walked together on the sidewalk, probably on a field trip.  Almost all of them were walking with shoulders hunched forward and head down.  Are we headed toward a world with everyone over 30 years old, hunch backed and walking painfully with a cane?
Be one person who fights this trend.  Put your shoulders back, rib cage up, tuck in your tummy and unclench your jaws.  And check out Cam's website Revive-a-Back by going to or emailing Cam at

Feb 3, 2020

How Do You Start Your Day?

Do you have an ideal wake-up time?  Is that when you usually wake up?  If so, congratulations!  If not, maybe this is the time to commit to that perfect time for you.  For me, it's 5:30am.  When I wake up then, my day goes so well, and by night, I feel that I have accomplished a lot.  If I sleep in, so much less gets accomplished.
There are times when I am just too tired, and sleeping in is good.  If that's you, don't beat yourself up for getting those extra hours of zzzz's.  Let yourself feel good that you gave your body the time it needed to regenerate.  Then make a commitment to go to bed at your perfect time and wake up in the morning at your perfect wake-up time.
Have a beautiful sleep tonight.

Feb 2, 2020

Free Session, in person or on phone

Do you sometimes forget a word that you know you know?  Do you have a bit of brain fog or memory issues?  Do you worry that some day you might be diagnosed as having early stage dementia?

Claim your free session now!

In this free session (on phone or in person) you and I will get an overall view of your issues and come up with at least one solution that will start you on your way to a clear mind, healthy brain and healthy body.
Important solutions include nutrition, movement and exercise, eliminating toxins from your body and air and incorporating healing beliefs and habits.
These solutions bring results in your brain and also throughout your whole body, so you can expect more clarity, energy, vitality and health.

Text me at 360.715.8000 for your free session or to ask questions.

Katie Lawson. 
360.715.8000 text.

Author of “Rejuvenate Naturally; Anti-Aging IS Possible”
Certified International Professional Coach, specializing in memory issues
One hour session:  $65


Jan 23, 2020

Can You Get to Sleep by 10pm Each Night?

This is one of the top daily goals of my son, Dale, who said “I get cranky if I stay up later than that.”  What about you?
This is an Ayurveda health tip from India.  According to this system, the best, most restful time to be asleep is the whole four hours from 10pm to 2am.  (And get approximately eight hours of sleep each night total.)
Ayurveda is an ancient natural holistic system of maintaining and rejuvenating your body and mind.  You can learn more about itand benefit from Ayurveda concepts by googling the word or going to Webmd: